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С2 Телевидение-многие родители думают, что дети смотрят слишком много телевизор. Согласен ли ты

Most kids plug into the world of television long before they enter school. No wonder that their parents are worried about the consequences of excessive TV viewing.
In my opinion, nowadays children are too addicted to watch-ing television. On average, kids spend several hours in front of a TV screen every day. As a result, TV can get in the way of study¬ing, exploring, playing and interacting with parents and friends. In addition, excessive TV viewing can result in obesity as kids are in-active and tend to snack while watching TV. What is more, there is a lot of violence on television and TV characters often depict risky behaviours such as smoking or drinking, which can set a bad example for children.
On the other hand, kids need entertainment and they consid-er TV one of the best ways of spending their free time. They also say that TV helps them to learn about the world. Although TV can be an excellent entertainer and educator, there are lots of active ways of entertainment such as playing games or doing sports, which are actually much healthier. Moreover, we should not for¬get about the educational value of reading a good book.
To sum up, I agree that television, in moderation, can be a good thing. However, if children watch TV all day long without choosing programmes, then it is really harmful. That is why I be-lieve parents should set viewing limits to ensure their kids do not spend too much time watching TV.