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С2 Тюрьма-самое лучшее наказание для преступника, но некоторые считают,что есть другие варианты наказания. Ваше мнение

There is a lot of violence in the modern world. Although pris¬ons keep us safe from dangerous criminals, they do not complete¬ly solve the problem of crime.
In my opinion, people should find more effective punishments for criminals than prison because imprisonment in fact works adversely against crime. First of all, prisoners face horrible conditions such as inadequate medical care or abuse by guards, which, coupled with an environment of criminal peers, often make prisoners more violent than when they went in. In addition, some criminals learn in prison how to commit worse crimes. What is more, they are released with only a few roubles in their pockets and a perspective of being unemployed. As a result, most ex-prisoners commit a crime again.
Yet some people consider prisons to be the most effective punishment for criminals. They also believe that prisons protect people from those who might harm us. Although murderers and other violent criminals deserve being sent to prison, a vast major¬ity of prisoners are locked up for non-violent crimes such as low level property crimes. In this case they only need help finding jobs. Moreover, some people who commit crimes are mentally ill and doctors can help them much more than prisons.
In conclusion, I believe that prisons are necessary for crimi-nals who are a real danger to society. It may be better if less dan-gerous criminals receive different punishments, such as commu¬nity service or a fine. Rehabilitation programmes cost far less and are more effective than prisons.