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Title: | Body:

С2 Работа на дому. За и против

With recent advances in technology, lots of people have a chance to work at home instead of going into the main office ev-ery day. This work style is a mixed blessing, though.
On the one hand, if you work from home, you can structure your day to suit your personal needs. You can work as much, or as little, as you like and no one will look over your shoulder. Be¬sides, you do not have to commute long distances to and from work and pay for your travel expenses. What is more, if you are married, you can spend more time with your kids, playing with them or training them.
On the other hand, working from home takes a phenomenal amount of self-discipline to start work when you know you do not have to be at the office by 9 a.m. In addition, there is no outside pressure to be busy so you must be entirely self-motivated. More¬over, there is a danger of putting in too many hours or overwork¬ing because there is no one to tell you that your working day is over. Finally, you will not be able to communicate with your col¬leagues so you may feel cut off from the rest of the world.
To sum up, working from home can be a great solution for certain people. However, like everything else in life, this work style has both pros and cons. That is why everyone should make a choice according to their preferences.