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Title: | Body:

С2 Запрещение машин в центрах больших городов. За или против

There is no doubt that the invention of the car changed the world and nowadays we can hardly find a family without a car. Nevertheless, some people are against cars, especially in the cen-tres of big cities.
In my opinion, cars should not be allowed into the city cen¬tres as they add to pollution and poison the air we breathe. We must also think about the people who live in the centre and suffer from the noise made by cars. Moreover* the streets in the centre are usually narrow therefore people are often stuck in traffic for many hours and, as a result, arrive late at their destination. Final¬ly, with ho cars in city centres, there would be no need for large ugly car parks, which would allow more space for parks.
However, many people believe we would not be able to sur¬vive without cars because most of the products for shops and other businesses are transported by cars. Besides, they are afraid that public transport would be overloaded. I am sure it is possible to solve these problems by introducing a reliable high frequency tram service as well as developing the underground. As for goods, we could use electric vehicles for their delivery.
To sum up, I believe that a clean, reliable and environmen¬tally friendly public service would encourage people to use public transport and help smooth the transition to a car-free zone.