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гуманитарные науки
естественные науки
математические науки
технические науки
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The University of Donetsk

Donetsk State University is a young institution of higher education. In 1995 it marked the 30"1 anniversary of its foundation. The University trains highly qualified specialists for different branches of our national economy as well as teachers for the system of Ae public education. The University has 1$ faculties and preparatory department^. There are also departments for those who want to combine their work with studies.

The course of studies for University students lasts five years for full-time students and six years for part time and correspondence students. The University has post-graduate courses in some specialities, such as: physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, etc.

The University is run by Rector and Deputy-Rectors. At the head of each faculty there is f Dean of the faculty, he has an assistant- a vice-Dean. Among teachers of the University there are academicians, corresponding members of the National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, doctors and candidates of science*.

The student body numbers over 10.000. They have excellent conditions for their studies. The University has a good library with thousands of volumes of books on a wide range of subjects. The laboratories of the University are equipped with up-to-date devices and apparatus. The students have their own Scientific Society, where they carry out research work.

Every year hundreds of young people enter the University, after graduating they fill the needs of our economy and become active members of our society.