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#American English pronunciation. Peculiarities of General American pronunciation compared to British English.

AmE, which is the variant of English, has developed its own peculiarities in vocabulary, grammatical structure and pronunciation. It embraces a wide range of pronunciation varieties. The most widely used regional types of American pronunciation are the Eastern, the Southern and the General American types.
The GA pronunciation is usually referred to as the standard pronunciation of AmE, though it is often debated whether there is a standard pronunciation in the USA. Nevertheless, it is the GA that has the greatest "acceptability", if not prestige, in the United States.
Peculiarities: [l] is always dark (film - look); [ш] is voiced in words like "excursion, version, Asia"; [h] is often dropped in weak syllables (I saw (h)im); [j] is omitted before [u] (student, duty); glottal stop is used instead of [t] before sonorants and semi-vowels (cert[?]ainly, that[?] one); no differentiation in length of vowels (all vowels are long); [æ] is used instead of [a:] in words which do not contain [r] in spelling (glass, dance).