:: PDA



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Title: | Body:

#subj II. Formation and use

Subjunctive II indicate a hypothetical state or a state contrary to reality, such as a wish, a desire, or an imaginary situation.
Subjunctive II non-perfect coincides in its form with the form of Past Simple and its perfect form coincides in its form with the form of Present Perfect.
 In simple sentence:
 After “Oh, that…” to denote wish or regret;
 With modal verbs would, could, might to denote desirability, possibility;
 Would rather + infinitive to denote preference;
 Had better + infinitive to denote advice;
 In subordinate nominal object clause in complex sentences
 After wish or would rather to denote wish, request, annoyance
 In in direct questions after the expression of doubt
 In subordinate nominal predicate clause in complex sentences
 After a link verb + conj as if/as though
 In subordinate nominal attributive-appositive clause in complex sentences
 After it’s (high/about) time
 In subordinate adverbial clause of unreal condition in complex sentences
 In subordinate adverbial clause of concession in complex sentences after even if/even though
 In subordinate adverbial clause of comparison or manner in complex sentences after as if/as though