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Title: | Body:

#The use of articles with non-count nouns. Names of materials.

. Generic reference.Names of material are usedwithout any article. (unidentified amount)(This is lead, not silver)
Names of material take no article when they have descriptive modifiers (He was drinking cup after cup of strong black tea).
Names of material can change their meaning and become count nouns when they denote:
• Various sorts of materials and food products (they are now giving you bad teas at the club)
• A portion of drink or food (beer, coffee, coke, rum, tea, yoghurt), (Buy him an ice)
• An object made of some sort of material (he survived by eating a small tin of fruit every day)
2.Withspecific reference – the definite article. Identification is based on:
1. The linguistic context.
• Involves reference backwards, by prior mention (Here’s a glass, some water and three coins. I pour the water into the glass)
• Reference forwards. Restrictive modifier is presented by a limiting prepositional phrase (the water in this glass) or a restrictive relative attributive clause
2. Situation of utterance. (Pass me the salt, please)