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Title: | Body:

#The case of the noun.Types and meanings of the Genitive case.

Kinds of genitive:
• Possessive genitive
a. Proper: Mr.Johnson’s passport
b. Partitive (part of a whole): the dog’s tail
c. Social: my son’s wife
• Subjective genitive (the boy’s application = the boy applied)
• Objective genitive (Caesar’s murder = (x) murdered Caesar)
• Genitive of origin (the girl’s story = the girl told the story)
• Genitive of measure (ten days’ absence – the absence lasted ten days)
• Descriptive genitive (a women’s college = a college for women)
(Descriptive – classifying, all the rest – specifying)
Descriptive: respond to “What kind of…?”, paraphrased by a for-phrase, article refers to the head-word or to the whole expression, form inseparable combination with the following noun, serves as premodifier.
Specifying comes before other adjectives in a noun group, serves as determiners.
Group Genitive.–S added to the last component if it refers to a single idea ( Alex and Andy’s father. They are brothers)
Absolute Genitive.
1. To avoid repetition (Your coat is more fashionable than Ann’s)
2. to denote place where the business is conducted (the butcher’s)
3. place of residence (at my Aunt’s)
Double Genitive. (-s in combination with of-ph.)
1. cannot be a proper noun
2. must be preceded by an indefinite determiner